Hi Oxana! I just saw this website & was so glad to see a picture of you on here!! How are you? What are you doing now? I would love to hear how you and the other kids from the school are doing now. Everything is going well for me... Iґm living in Washington, DC and still miss Kivertsi very much! Would love to hear from you. Much love, Marisa
Hi Marisa!)) I am very happy reading your letter! I study on the third course,on economic,work,but not for specialities. On this time for me holiday,I stay at home,am ill. Oll students of our class study,yet nobody marry)) We often see
each other,remamber you, and miss too! We would be very happy to see you!!P.S(write your mail,please). With love,Oksana.
e-mail: 190400@mail.ru
О me God!!! Marisa!!!Hi!!!
Im Lena Ponomariova. Do u remember me???
i was siting at one desk with Oksana.
Im so glad to see u here!we missed u alot!we often think of u and your lessons!!we are third year students at the moment!
Non of us got married yet!!!
And how are u???do u have a family???
do u have plans to visit us again???
we would be very hapy to see u!!!
Best wishes from all of us!!
Lena Ponomariova
Hola ermosura linda tu eres mas linda mujer que un dia avia visto un bon-o-bon,ermosa chica pura embra.Klasss
e-mail: valentinprykh@mail.ru
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